Your Gut and Your Skin

I came across this article that talks about the relationship between the gut and the skin.

From our Traditional Chinese Medicine perspective, this relationship has been known about for thousands of years. The Lungs and the Large Intestine have a primary relationship and directly manifests in skin conditions. The best way to have health + clear skin is to manage what you eat by eating foods that are not inflammatory. (Think like this: if it came from the store in a box or bag, it causes inflammation)
So here are the three big things plus one that you can also do to support optimal gut flora health, reduce inflammation, and improve your skin.

  • Sleep (go to bed early or by 10 pm)

  • Breath (daily deep breathing or meditation)

  • Move (walk 10,000 steps daily)

  • Plus One -- Avoid consuming anything that numbs you out 

All easier said than done.
These are the things I've been consciously working on since March last year.
Still haven't mastered all at the same time, but I really believe these 3 plus 1 will get most people to where they really want to be if done together and consistently.