Jump the Line

Several years ago, I learned that when patients come in I should always ask about what they want to achieve by getting treatment.

Usually, the conversation would start with... "I know you want to get rid of xyz as close to 100% as possible, but what would you be able to do that xyz is stopping you from doing now?"

We called this the "Life Effect".

What does the patient actually want to experience instead of the symptom they are experiencing.

My thoughts have shifted recently on this.

I think the Life Effect is still important and I still focus on it.

But, I think we can take it one step further...

Yes, we all want to achieve our Life Effect.

That state where we are experiencing life exactly how we want it to be...

We are doing what we want...

When we do what we want, we feel a certain way.

So really, it is that feeling that we are going for ultimately.

Maybe it is joy or happiness.

Maybe it is peace or contentment.

But ultimately, we want to feel a certain way.

And here is what I realized.

We can just jump the line and go straight for that feeling no matter where we are.

I know, it sounds too simple.

It is that simple, but not always easy to do.

This is why the Primelight meditation, journaling, and the feeling state exercise are so powerful.

We get to practice those feeling states that we desire before there is physical evidence to support those states.

We can just go straight to our ultimate desire and live from there.

What I've noticed is that if I do that, then the physical is quick to match up with how I feel.

Maybe the symptoms don't exactly change, but I can always interpret and give meaning in a way that supports how I want to feel.

Just something to think about, if you are interested in jumping the line...

Free Weight Loss Resource (time sensitive)

Two years ago, I completed certification training with the MAP Institute. I learned their process to help remove emotional charges around old memories stored in the subconscious mind.

I've used the MAP method with several patients and have seen some interesting results. 

I've used it with myself and have had profound results over the last year. Including finally losing weight and keeping it off.

Jelena, one of the lead trainers at the MAP Institute is releasing a 7 day trial of her NeruoReshape online weight loss program.

I have gone through this program before and highly recommend it.

This is for you if...

  • you struggle with weight loss even though you know what to do

  • you struggle with weight loss and you are doing what you know to do

  • you count calories and exercise, yet nothing changes

  • you are yo-yo dieting

  • you've tried all the popular diets "of the day" with little or no results

  • you know deep down something blocking you

The MAP Method is one of the quickest and easiest ways to reprogram subconscious beliefs.

These old beliefs and stories have a profound influence on our nervous system and constantly trigger the fight or flight response that keeps us in a stressed state.

To return to a Relaxed Expanded consciousness, we must remove the emotional charge around these old experiences and beliefs to help the nervous system and brain feel safe.

The NeuroReshape Progam is a fantastic way to learn about MAP and begin to work on changing those subconscious beliefs that are keeping you from experiencing the body and life you desire.

If you have any questions about MAP or this program, feel free to reach out.

I know I'm looking forward to going through this program again. 

Best Daily Habits Combo

You and I both know exactly what we should be doing to achieve optimal health.

It's really simple things we all learned in elementary school and from our parents.

Drink your water
Eat right
Be nice and play well with others

Here is a slightly different way to think of all those habits.

Each one, when done effectively, will help to move you into the Relaxed Expansion state or the parasympathetic state.

They all ultimately relax the nervous system and help us to build and repair the body.

They make us feel better.

They raise our consciousness.

So, here is a fantastic daily habit combo that you can easily add to your routine.

This combo will help you to get into that Relaxed Expansion state, get momentum into and throughout the day staying in that state, and set then set you up to repeat and gain even more momentum to stay in that state for the next day.

Remember, the more we can stay in that Relaxed Expansion state, the better we feel, the better the body functions, and the more we get exactly what our hearts desire.

The first habit is to do the Primelight meditation first thing in the morning.

The most benefit would be to do this even before you get out of bed.

The reason this is so powerful is when you first wake and as you fall asleep, you have the most connection to the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind can be programmed during these times.

It will take any input and then it will work on creating that input into waking reality.

You get what you program into it.

Primelight (or any meditation/prayer) first thing in the day can be a great tool to help program the subconscious mind during that time.

Doing this practice will put you into the Relaxed Expansion state (parasympathetic) and create momentum for you to move into the day in that state.

If you haven't tried Primelight, here is the link to the Primelight page on Comal Springs Acupuncture website.

Start with the 20 minute guided version.

You can download it as an mp3 file.

All you have to do is lay completely still and listen to it for 20 minutes.

And you're done.

Go on with your day.

The second habit, you should do right before you doze off to sleep.

In a journal or a notebook, just right down 5 emotions or feelings you want to feel.

That's it.

Then go to sleep.

The magic is in doing it consistently over time.

I highly recommend you implement them daily along with all the basic foundational habits.

Give it a try.

Do it for a month and see what happens.

Tight Shoulders and Constipation

I'm sure you are thinking... what is he rambling about now?

It always comes back to a stress response.

The body goes into that sympathetic response... fight, flight, freeze, fawn.

What I just learned recently is that this response follows a specific pattern.

First, all the flexor muscles contract.
This means the shoulders go up, the head comes forward, the abdomen contracts, the hips rotate, the knees bend, and the arms come up...
And suddenly, you become Mike Tyson ready to knock someone out.
This is why I call the sympathetic state the Tensed Contraction state.
Dr. Tennant calls this the "bowling ball" syndrome.

During the second phase, your body redirects energy and blood flow away from the internal organs.
Hey, If you have to knock someone out or run away, do you want to be digesting that last meal?
So all internal organ function decreases.
This will show up as digestive issues, immune system issues, chronic inflammation, and many others.
That is where the constipation comes from.

But, there is even more...

In the third phase, blood and resources are removed from the pre-frontal cortex.
This is the part of the brain responsible for higher-order thinking and executive function.
This is the rational and logical portion of the brain.
This is also the part of the brain that helps to regulate emotional responses.
Think Mr. Spock.
With less resources and less control, the emotions are left to run wild.
This is where we get anger, irritability, anxiety, depression, and all the mental and emotional conditions.

In the fourth and final phase, the brain's ability to perceive, respond, and RECOVER from stress is compromised due to prolonged sympathetic activation. This state creates sensitization which causes chronic pain conditions.
Pain should go away as tissue heals normally after any trauma or injury.
This should happen within 3 weeks to 3 months.
Any pain beyond this time can be associated with this pain sensitization state.
This is a sign that the sympathetic system is still activated.

So, if we know these 4 stages and how they are related, then we know exactly what is happening to us in real time and how activated our sympathetic system is.

As we begin to engage the parasympathetic system (rest, relax, repair, reproduce), we will back out of these four stages.

The chronic pain symptoms will begin to improve and disappear.

This is where I see so many people drop out of care at this stage.
And, surprise!
Their symptoms mysteriously come back a few months later or a few years later.

And now you know why...

But, if they continue with care, emotional regulation will improve and they will feel better.
Then the internal medicine conditions will improve and the body will function the way it was designed.

Finally, the flexor muscles will relax.

The shoulders will drop down, the breathing will deepen into the belly, and the body will return to its fully relaxed natural state... parasympathetic.

This is the Relaxed Expansion state.

This is our true fully expressed self.

This is the state in which all of our dreams, goals, and desires can be realized.

This is the state that we experienced as kids on a Saturday with nothing to do but play, explore, create, and dream.

This state is still available to all of us, now.

The Emotional Scale and Consciousness

I have to be totally honest.
I had never heard of this concept until about a month ago.
My mind was blown. Still is...

Once I heard it, everything seemed to fall into place. 

Life got much easier and more fun.

We have the two states of consciousness...
Relaxed Expansion (parasympathetic- rest, digest, repair, reproduce)
Tensed Contraction (sympathetic - fight, flight, freeze, fawn)

We can only be in one at a time.

How can you tell which you are in?

Simple... how do you feel?

Are you happy, joyful, appreciative?
Then you are in the Relaxed Expansion/ parasympathetic

Are you stressed, angry, anxious, overwhelmed, frustrated?
Then you are in the Tensed Contracted/ sympathetic

It's that simple.

What's even more amazing?

You can consciously choose how you want to feel.
In each moment, you have the power of choice.

Do I want to feel good or do I want to feel bad?

You get to decide...

But Tim, I'm not stressed...

I hear this all the time from new patients coming in for their Initial Exam.
When I ask about their stress levels, they will often tell me everything is good or fine.

Well, I know they think this is the case, but deep down I know this is not possible.

No one in our modern culture can escape from the relentless amount of stress we are subjected to, both known and unknown.

Let me take a few minutes and explain what I mean.

When I say stress, I'm talking about our sympathetic nervous system being activated and in control.

Remember, we have two states of being or consciousness we can be in.
Only one state is active at a time and in control... 

Parasympathetic/Relaxed Expansion/rest, digest, repair, reproduce

Sympathetic/Tensed Contraction, fight, flight, freeze, fawn

The sympathetic is activated anytime the brain perceives danger to the body, whether this is a real or imagined danger.

Here are the four categories of things that can be perceived as a danger to the body and will cause the sympathetic nervous system to activate...

  • Toxins -chemical stressors

  • Trauma -physical stressors

  • Thoughts -mental/emotional stressors

  • Technology -media, social media, nnEMF, ALAN, blue light toxicity

Most people think of stress as the emotional discomfort that we experience from time to time.
But, if we really think about stress from a larger perspective, we can see how we never really completely escape from being under constant stress.

For example

  • eating modern processed food is a chemical stressor

  • taking pharmaceutical drugs is a chemical stressor

  • driving is an emotional and physical stressor

  • central air and heat is a physical stressor

  • media/social media is an emotional stressor

  • disconnection from natural circadian rhythms is an emotional and physical stressor

  • blue light at night is a physical and chemical stressor

These are just a few of the things that most people do daily.

All these things activate the sympathetic nervous system and create that stress response.

This is why I know that everyone who comes through the door has stress.

Helping the body to body to relax and return to the parasympathetic state is ALWAYS the first step in having a healthy, optimal lifestyle and achieving your heart's desires.

More to come...

Happy New Year!

I hope this finds you safe, happy, and warm on this cold day.

I'm just coming out of a long hibernation and wanted to share some new exciting things with you.
These are some new insights and understandings that I'm beginning to incorporate into the clinic in 2025.

Fundamentally we operate out of two states of consciousness.

Relaxed expansion or tensed contraction.

These are regulated by the brain and the autonomic nervous system.
So we are in a parasympathetic state or sympathetic state.
We can only function out of one state at a time.

The key to everything is to spend as much time in the parasympathetic/Relaxed Expansion state of consciousness.

This is the state where we can achieve any goal because we are the most connected to the energy and information from God/Source/Infinite Intelligence (whatever way you understand and connect)

Unfortunately, everything in our culture is geared towards keeping us in the sympathetic/fight flight freeze fawn state.
This would include all stressors such as things like chemicals, mental/emotional/thoughts, physical, and all things tech-related.

So our bodies are under a constant stream of stressors and it is difficult to get the body back into the parasympathetic/ relaxed expansion state so it can heal/repair tissue/function optimally. This then also disconnects us from that supply of unlimited energy/information from God/Source.

My current understanding is that the core seeds, which create and keep us in the sympathetic dominant state are the limiting beliefs we had programmed into us as children from the age of conception until around 7 years old.

The key is to help rewire the brain to more easily get into the parasympathetic state and to stay there for longer periods of time.

This is done through a 3 step approach.
1. Shen (mind/spirit) This is the conscious work to identify and reprogram old limiting beliefs and to help move you towards that ideal future version of yourself that you want to become.
2. Qi (electrical/energetic) This fills the body and stops the leaks of electricity/energy/information so the body has the energy/information it needs to function optimally.
3. Jing (physical structure/function) This is where the symptoms in the physical body are addressed. This includes tissue repair, organ function, hormones, neurotransmitters, etc.

I have two devices that can objectively measure how the body is functioning in the electrical and physical realms. We can see the imbalances and track progress over time.

As an existing patient, I am offering these assessments to you for free.
The assessment usually takes about an hour.
These appointments are available Monday through Thursday at 9 am and Monday, Tuesday, Thursday at 2 pm.
If you are interested in having an assessment done, just call or text me at 830 822 6315 and I can get you scheduled.

Stay tuned for much more to come soon...

Enjoy and stay warm and safe.

We Are Electric

We Are Electric

Hi - 

We ARE electric. 

It might sound kinda weird to say, but it is totally true.
We are basically electrical beings.

ECGs measure electrical currents in the heart.

EEGs measure electrical currents in the brain.

We eat fats and carbs to strip them of electrons to make the electricity that runs our bodies.

When we die, the electricity literally goes off.

Guess what?

I have a new tool that helps to measure how electricity is moving through the body.

It's called the Acugraph.
(It is really cool)
It is a device that measures the electrical resistance of the acupuncture channels at each Source point.
These are the main acupuncture points around the wrist and ankles.

This device shows us how electricity is moving through the channels.

Sometimes, there can be too much and this causes excess-type symptoms.
Think rush hour traffic on a Friday afternoon in the Summer.
Heat and stagnation.

Sometimes, there can be too little like a deficiency and this causes things to slow down and not function as well as possible.
Think of that little town that the highway bypassed and it slowly withered and died.
Fatigue and poor function

What we want is a nice even flow through all the channels. This will give us the best results.
Vitality and Health

The Acugraph is a way to measure this and see it in a graphic form and over time.

The red bars represent excess condition.
The blue bars represent and deficient condition.
The purple bars represent and split communication between the right and left sides of the body.
What we want is the green bars to form all across the graph.
This is the just right sweet Goldilocks spot.

I started using this technology back in February and use it with all new patients coming in and at each treatment.

It is a great objective way to see how electricity/energy/information is moving through the body and how this changes with treatment.

The scans take about 3 minutes and I can track progress over time.
Here is a short intro video on the Acugraph.

If you haven't been in recently, come on in and get a scan.
See how well you're doing and find out what needs improvement.

Call the clinic at 830 822 6315 or click the link to set up an appointment to get a reading.

Have an "electric" day!


Second Best Free Resource

Hi - 

One of the keys to managing stress and staying healthy is learning how to regulate your nervous system. 

The very best thing that you can learn to do is to 

The second best thing you can do is ...


Yeah, I know. It's not super sexy or "cutting edge" or biohacker cool.
But, the benefits are too numerous to ignore it.

Why should you go for daily walks?

Our bodies were designed to be in motion.
They work best when we do lots of low-level movement, like walking.
For the majority of us, our current lifestyles incorporate very little movement.
Many of us sit at work.
We sit and watch tv or zone out on our various other screens.

Many hobbies are done while seated.

And then we sleep.

This leaves you with insufficient movement for the body to function as it should. Which can lead to poor health, physical symptoms/aches/pain, and negative emotions.

Benefits of Walking
These are the benefits of walking as promoted from the Mayo Clinic

  • Maintain a healthy weight and lose body fat

  • Prevent or manage various conditions, including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer and type 2 diabetes

  • Improve cardiovascular fitness

  • Strengthen your bones and muscles

  • Improve muscle endurance

  • Increase energy levels

  • Improve your mood, cognition, memory and sleep

  • Improve your balance and coordination

  • Strengthen immune system

  • Reduce stress and tension

I heard a recent quote from a study that said, "Even increasing your daily step count by 1000 steps (that is like 10 minutes of walking) can lower your all-cause mortality by 12%."

Extra bonus... it's free and requires no equipment.

Extra extra bonus... if you do it outside, you can get your sun exposure. This will help to regulate your circadian rhythm which influences everything... hormones, neurotransmitters, gasotransmitters, sleep, digestion, and the list goes on.

Some of my results
I started regularly walking last January.
I usually try to get about 7500 steps or about 45 to 60 minutes a day.
The most shocking result I noticed was my blood pressure dropped by almost 20 points within about 2 weeks.
The other thing that really shocked me was how much better I felt emotionally.
It seemed the more I walked the calmer and happier I felt.

How to get started
I now recommend walking to all my patients.
You don't have to push it hard.
Just start slow and gradually increase the number of steps you take each day.
I initially started with a step counter, but now I know about how far my minimum dosage for steps is and I don't worry if I go over (or even slightly lower).

To beat the heat this Summer, I walked early before the sun came up.
I'll let you know what I do this Winter when it gets cold and wet.

Let me know if you have any ideas.

Happy Walking!

Tim Nicosia, L.Ac. 

Have You Ever Heard of Neuroplastic Pain?

Neuroplastic Pain is getting more and more attention as it seems to be the key to solving the pain puzzle for many people. 

I'm going to tell you what it is.

But first, a story. 

This story is taken from a book called "The Way Out: A Revolutionary, Scientifically Proven Approach to Healing Chronic Pain" by Alan Gordon. 

The pain started on my fortieth birthday. It was a big milestone, and I wasn't where I thought I would be in life. I was divorced and single, my kids were getting older, and I had an underlying fear that I would be alone for the rest of my life.

Of course, at the time, I didn't realize that turning forty was what did it. I thought my back hurt because I had gardened too much the day before. Over the next few years, I tried everything: I saw a chiropractor. I tried a physical therapist. Tried yoga. Tried a different kind of yoga hoping it would get deeper into my muscles. Then I kind of gave up and said, "This is just a part of me now."

Being in pain is depressing. My whole mindset changed. Before the pain started, I was a positive, optimistic, outgoing, love-to-have-fun person. But after, it was hard to even smile sometimes. Everything was a grey fog.

I have a pretty high threshold for pain. There's not a whole lot that scares me. I wouldn't say I was fearful of the pain. It was more like I felt beat down. I tried all these different things but it was like brick wall after brick wall, dead end after dead end. I just felt defeated.

When I learned about neuroplastic pain, I started seeing the pain in a new way. At first I was hopeless, because I didn't think it was going to change. But eventually, when I had the tools, I realized I was in control and it doesn't have to be that way. I went from feeling like I was at the pain's mercy to feeling like I had the power back. - Lindsay

Neuroplastic pain is pain that persists after an injury has healed or pain that has no clear physical cause.

For so many people, the pain persists after this physical cause has been resolved. I see it almost every day.

That is why I am pursuing other methods of addressing this kind of pain. I am taking a course right now to learn how to help resolve neuroplastic pain.

Before the end of the year, I will be incorporating this approach into treatment plans. I'm very excited about this and know it will help so many people.

Angry? Stressed? You are not alone.

I heard about a story that aired on Good Morning America yesterday. It was about the high numbers of people who are experiencing ANGER and AGGRESSION

It showed video after video of angry people acting aggressively in cities all across the country.

I know this is a very tense time for so many of us. Probably all of us.
The daily pressures we usually face seem amplified. We are all living at some level of overwhelm.

And there appears to be no end in sight.

If you find yourself feeling extra stressed, quicker to anger (or aggression), and generally more on edge than usual, YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

Here is what is happening in your nervous system...


You are stuck in the sympathetic nervous system which is FIGHT or FLIGHT with no vacation in sight.

The fix is to get your body to switch into a parasympathetic state. And then train your brain to more easily return to this state.

A parasympathetic state is one of rest, repair, and relaxation. The parasympathetic state is so important (not just to keep you from aggressive behavior) but to help your body function optimally.



(It's like exercise for the nervous system)

One treatment a week will make a huge difference in your feelings of stress, anger, and aggression.

So I know I can't fix many of the things that might be elevating your stress levels. (Believe me. If I could, I would)

What I CAN do is set you up to better handle the stress of daily life.

Cheers to parasympathetic states.

Why Do We Look At Tongues

In the days before modern imaging and testing, healers practiced with a principle of nature:

As above, so below

They sought the microcosm in the macrocosm - the fractal nature of how things are designed and function.

Everything follows basic mathematical and natural laws. This gives rise to microsystems.

You will find this same principle in foot reflexology and iridology theories. This is the idea that we can diagnose and treat the whole body using just one part.

Tongue diagnosis falls in alignment with this principle.

In particular, the tongue lets us see all the organ systems broken into 3 levels:

Upper-- Lungs/Respiratory and Heart = Respiratory Microbiome
Middle-- Digestion/Liver = Gut Microbiome
Lower-- Reproductive/Bladder = Urogenital Microbiome

In each area, we are looking for 3 things along a spectrum

Moisture-- Dampness to Dryness
Temperature-- Hot to Cold
Gas Pressure (gasotransmitters)-- Excess/Stagnation/Deficiency

These variables will affect the internal climate and create an ideal terrain for different bacteria, viruses, molds, fungus, etc. to grow and thrive.

This then gives us a diagnosis of what is out of balance and how to MOVE the 3 variables to return the body to the right conditions for the beneficial bacteria/viruses/molds etc to regain healthy control or balance.

For an in-depth explanation check out Dr. Andrew Miles 5 part podcast on Tongue Diagnosis here.

Circadian Rhythm and Chronic Pain

Fall has arrived.

The way I can tell is I'm now having to wake up before the sun to help our son get ready and off to school.

The days are getting shorter and the weather is cooler (relatively speaking).

This makes me remember how important regulating our Circadian Rhythm is.

What does this mean?

Your body and all its many varied functions (including hormonal, immune, neurotransmitters, and sleep) are regulated by the signals your body receives from the solar light you are exposed to on a daily basis.

Something you might not be aware of is chronic pain is also influenced by this daily regulation.

When you become out of sync with the natural cycle your pain can get worse.

A common example that I see of this is when someone has a bad night of sleep, then the next day they might be more sensitive to an acupuncture treatment.

So, if you are experiencing chronic pain it is important to get your Circadian Rhythm right.

How do you do this?

Get up and watch the sunrise, every day, for at least 5 minutes. Try to do this with no glasses or contacts - just let the natural light in your eyes (don't stare at the sun).
Get barefoot on the ground if possible.
Get as much skin exposure as possible to the light also.
Get multiple doses of UV light during the middle of the day.
Don't get burned.
Watch the sun go down.
Go to bed before 10 pm.
Avoid blue light at night, including screens, phones, and LED lights.

Try this for 30 days and see if you notice an improvement in your pain.

Let me know.

This is also a good practice to help transition into the new season and overcome jet lag.

What Do You Do When You Get Stressed?

As much as we try to avoid big stress in our lives, it happens.

So how do you deal with it?

Do you go for a walk? A run?
Do you eat sweets? (my favorite) 
Do you get out in nature?
Do you have a drink? Or two? Or three? 

There are many ways to cope with stress.

Some positive. Some maybe not so much.

(Acupuncture helps with stress, btw) 

I have shared this with you before. Given the levels of stress that I am seeing in patients recently, I think it is worth sharing again. 

This is a tool to put in your repertoire for quickly reducing your stress level.  

A Breathing Technique To Instantly Reduce Stress

This technique is called Exhale Breath.

You can do this any time to quickly bring stress levels down.

This is also a good one to do right before bed as it can help you fall asleep.

When you start to yawn, you know you are done. 

Click on the link below for a short video explaining how to do this simple technique. 

Deep breaths, y'all. Everything is going to be alright. 

Click Here for EXHALE BREATH Technique

When You Drift Off To Sleep... It's A Golden Opportunity

Just like the light between day and night, there is a sweet spot between conscious awareness... and... sleep.

This is the space where we can access our subconscious mind.

This is where we can consciously change the thoughts, emotions, beliefs, interpretations, and patterns that fill our subconscious headspace. These subconscious elements are the ones that create the habits and behaviors that run our lives - 95% of the time on autopilot and beyond our conscious control.

Some of these elements we absorbed as children from the moment we were conceived until about the age of 7 to 8.

Those thoughts become the foundations of our personality and identity.

But in that magical space just before and after sleep, you have a golden opportunity to change these elements. And it is really not that hard.

Here is how to do it.

The subconscious is literal. Whatever you tell it, it perceives it as real.

So, in that time just before drifting off to sleep and just when you wake up, imagine yourself exactly how you want to be. Use as much feeling and specific details as possible.

How do you look?
How do you feel?
What do you see?
What do you smell and taste?
How do you act?

Again, the subconscious is literal and will go to work in helping you to experience this imagination.

I'm starting to have patients do this exercise as they get acupuncture and begin to drift into that twilight space.

You can do this for yourself, twice every day.

Give it a go for 30 days and let me know what results you see.

Ladder of Emotions

I came across this a few weeks ago and I'd like to share it with you.

It is called the Ladder of Emotions.

It was created by a psychologist from Houston named Colette Streicher. (video) Colette is interesting in that she helps people by working with the Superconscious aspect of themselves.

The ladder starts at the bottom with feelings such as fear, grief, despair, depression and then moves up until you find feelings of joy, appreciation, happiness, freedom, love, and empowerment.

Ladder of Emotions

  1. Joy/ Certainty/ Empowerment/ Freedom/ Love/ Appreciation

  2. Passion

  3. Enthusiasm/ Eagerness/Happiness

  4. Positive Expectation/ Belief

  5. Optimism

  6. Hopefulness

  7. Contentment

  8. Boredom

  9. Pessimism

  10. Frustration/ Irritation/ Impatience

  11. “Overwhelmed”

  12. Disappointment

  13. Doubt

  14. Worry

  15. Blame

  16. Discouragement

  17. Anger

  18. Revenge

  19. Hatred/ Rage

  20. Jealousy

  21. Insecurity/ Guilt/ Unworthiness

  22. Fear/ Grief/ Depression/ Despair/ Powerlessness

I'm finding that this is a really good tool to evaluate where I am at in each moment.

It is also a good reminder that I have the power to move up the ladder at any moment.

So, how do you do this?

Well, glad you asked...


Acupuncture is a wonderful tool to help you move up the ladder.(breathwork and PrimeLight meditation are also good tools)

In Chinese Medicine, we have a statement of fact... "If there is free flow, there is no pain; If there is no free flow, there is pain.”

This applies to physical as well as emotional pain.

Acupuncture's main mechanism is to increase blood circulation and to re-train the brain to maintain that increased blood circulation.

With this increased circulation, your emotions move up the ladder.

This is why we feel better when we go for a walk or exercise.

So when you are feeling stuck or just want to feel better, acupuncture is a great choice.

How Diet is Driving COVID-19 Outcomes

Do you remember back in January when I told you all that my Chinese Medicine mentors were calling COVID-19 a "damp plague?"

This "dampness" that they are referring to (also known as gut dysbiosis or water metabolism dysregulation) is identical to the insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome that are caused by overconsumption of sugars, starches, and refined seed oils. 

Basically, the ingredients in all processed foods.

When consumed these food-like products cause chronic systemic inflammation and set the conditions for developing type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer's disease, and even cancer.

Dr. Mark Hymann is one of the leading Functional Medicine doctors in the US. He goes into great detail of how COVID-19 and metabolic syndrome diseases are related. Here is a link to a podcast video from Dr. Mark Hymann.

This is a basic summary of what he addresses in the video:

"As we continue to learn more about COVID-19, we continue to see a pattern in those more at risk. People who aren’t metabolically healthy (think obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and hypertension) are much more likely to experience severe complications if they are to get the virus. And to put that in perspective, only 1 in 8 Americans are considered metabolically healthy. That means a lot of us are at risk during this already alarming time. We can start changing that today, though, and create a newfound health baseline while creating a greater level of resilience when it comes to chronic disease and future situations like this. ⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ The US isn’t the only place dealing with an epidemic of obesity and other metabolic diseases. The UK and other parts of the world are also struggling, thanks to the spread of the ultra-processed food and a sedentary lifestyle." 

I am equipped to help you reverse these conditions and get a handle on your health, This is the best defense we have right now against this virus. 

Call 830-822-6315 and set up a consultation.

Do it now.
The situation is only going to get worse.

Corona Virus and Sugar are Related!

Bet you didn't see that coming....

One of the reasons I am created the 14 Day Sugar Elimination Challenge is because I have realized that from Chinese Medicine perspective DAMPNESS is a huge problem within our general population. This is due to our modern lifestyle of highly processed foods, lack of movement, and climate controlled living. All of these factors contribute to creating dampness in the body... or in western terms gut dysbiosis, poor water metabolism, and proliferation of lipopolysaccharides.

I see dampness in 90%+ of the people who come into the clinic. This is just because of our lifestyle and food supply. Refined sugar is one of the biggest culprits.

So to avoid or remedy the dampness, the sugar needs to go.

Now, on to the Corona virus.

Two of my current mentors, Dr. Andrew Miles and his wife XueLan Qiu as well as their mentor Dr. Jin Zhao, have been following and know the doctors that are on the front line of this epidemic. Dr. Zhao was one of the specialist called in to help diagnose the disease from a Chinese Medicine perspective.

His diagnosis is that root cause is DAMPNESS!

Specifically “湿瘟” Shi Wen (Damp Plague)

Here is a link to the Botanical Biohacking Podcast that just released a few hours ago.
Corona Virus Podcast
I'll talk more about this as information comes in.

Emotions, Dampness, and Aging

Dr. Andrew Miles just posted this on Facebook...

"Chen Wu said: “The seven emotions cause chaos leading to mucus.”

Li Yong Cui said: “Shock, fear, worry and pensiveness lead to mucus.”

Most emotions initially cause qi stagnation of the lung's ability to descend and the liver to ascend leading to dysregulation of water in the spleen and lungs. Dampness creates mucus which is stored in the lungs further blocking water metabolism, creating heat, and further anxiety.

"Strange and difficult diseases come from mucus."

Let me translate this into Western Medicine for you. When your 

  • Strong emotions(anger/fear/grief/stress/etc.) can cause dysregulation of gasotransmitters (especially nitric oxide and hydrogen sulfide) and elevated cortisol levels-- this is "qi stagnation"

  • Which leads to gut and respiratory microbiome dysbiosis

  • Which leads to water metabolism dysregulation-- water collects in inapprorate areas and amounts-- this is the "dampness"

  • Low grade systemic inflammation/heat begins when pathogens (molds/yeasts/fungus/bacteria/viruses) start populating the areas of water accumulation

  • Biofilms are created by the pathogens to protect themselves from the immune system-- this is the "mucus/phlegm"

  • Poor systemic circulation -- caused by the "qi stagnation/dampness/phlegm"

  • Massive negative feed back loop is created

  • Slow decline of health, vitality, and aging begins

So lets use "Molly" as an example.

Molly is a 45 year old mother of 3 school aged children. She is a full time stay at home mom who is creating a home based business sewing hats and selling them on etsy. She has a happy life and relationships, but a lot of things to manage, track, and maintain.
---(normal base line)

Sometimes she gets stressed and overwhelmed, but manages to keep it all together and take good care of her family. Molly's mom was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 years ago. She had surgery and chemo and is now cancer free.
---(strong emotions/stress/fear/etc.)

Molly spent lots of extra time/energy/presence to help her mom during that time.

Afterwards she noticed that she was having a hard time falling asleep. She woke feeling unrested and always like she was behind and could not keep up.
---(qi stagnation).

She stopped exercising as often (no time or energy) and started using carbs+fats+sugar to help control her stress levels and soothe her roller coaster emotions.
---(gut dysbiosis-those critters love sugar!)

She started to notice some weight gain, gas, bloating, loser stools, and her menstrual cycle was becoming more irregular with stronger PMS, especially sharp stabbing cramps and larger clots.
---(dampness/qi stagnation/decreased circulation).

She also noticed she was having more knee and low back pain.
--(dampness and decreased circulation)

She also began to have more anxiety and her seasonal cedar fever was much worse.
---(dampness/phlegm/decreased circulation)

She found herself sighing all the time.
---(qi stagnation)

She is taking 3 OTC medications for the allergies and the pain.
--(medications can often make the gut dysbiosis worse).

Each passing month, she has the nagging feeling that she is getting more and more fatigued.-
--(dampness/decreased circulation blocks energy production at the mitochondrial level).

The joy and laughter that she had with her family seems a little less bright and frequent lately.
---(dampness/phlegm can block the mind/spirit)

Molly keeps telling herself that this is just part of the process of "getting older".

She has resigned herself that this is as good as it gets...

But that is not true. Molly can stop and reverse this process. 

Chinese Medicine cracked this code many years ago.

I can help get Molly back on track and I can help you too. 

If you want some help determining where you are in the process and what you can do to break the cycle,

Give me a call.  830 822 6315

Remedy the Dampness: Part 2

Did you try any of the suggestions for clearing dampness that I included in the last post?

I'd love to hear how it went for you. Drop me a line and let me know info@comalspringsacupuncture.com 

In the meantime, I have a few more lifestyle modification ideas that you can implement to eliminate dampness and restore health. 

Avoid all processed food.

This includes refined sugar, processed flours, and seed oils. I know this is a biggy for a lot of us and can be a hard one to stick by. Remember I am not advocating for perfection, only improvement. 

My current favorite informational site on food is this one by Dr. Ted Naiman. I also love this highly useful tool called the Protein to Energy Ratio Calculator.

(This information and strategy is not specifically Traditional Chinese Medicine, but in my experience it is a good starting place to begin shifting dietary habits).

Get first morning sunlight, every day.

Science is beginning to realize the power of sunlight in regulating all metabolic functions in the body. Here is a good Ted X talk on this by Satchin Panda.

Ideally you should get 15 to 30 minutes of sun exposure every morning. This helps to reset the circadian rhythm, it helps to regulate hormone production, and it feels really good. Don't stare into the sun, but just be outside and watch the sun come up every day.

Don't wear sunglasses or contacts, but let the light into your eyes naturally. It is even better if you can do this barefoot on the ground. Even if the sky is grey and overcast, you will still get the light signals anyway, so don't skip days.


Sleep is critical for the body to repair and rebuild. Try to be in bed and asleep before 10 pm. If sleep is something that you struggle with, come talk to me. I can treat insomnia. 

In conjunction with sleep, you must avoid blue light (especially after sunset). Blue light exposure signals the body that it is still noon. That misinformation then dis-regulates all hormonal and metabolic function. 

Here is a quick intro video on blue light at night and sleep.

My final recommendation for now is not free, but I highly recommend the book Enlighten Weight by Andrew Miles and Xuelan Qiu. This is the best "owner's mannual" that I have come across. 
It is easy to read and understand. You will come away with a greater ability to think about what you need to do to help balance the body through diet and exercise.

So what to expect as the dampness begins to clear?

  • You should notice an increase in energy.

  • Brain fog will decrease and focus and motivation will return.

  • You might lose some weight.

  • Your digestion will improve.

  • You will be more relaxed and sleep better.

This a a lot of information to take in.

The best way to begin is to pick one thing.
Set a habit goal that is so easy you can't fail.
Then every day you build on your success.