Best Daily Habits Combo

You and I both know exactly what we should be doing to achieve optimal health.

It's really simple things we all learned in elementary school and from our parents.

Drink your water
Eat right
Be nice and play well with others

Here is a slightly different way to think of all those habits.

Each one, when done effectively, will help to move you into the Relaxed Expansion state or the parasympathetic state.

They all ultimately relax the nervous system and help us to build and repair the body.

They make us feel better.

They raise our consciousness.

So, here is a fantastic daily habit combo that you can easily add to your routine.

This combo will help you to get into that Relaxed Expansion state, get momentum into and throughout the day staying in that state, and set then set you up to repeat and gain even more momentum to stay in that state for the next day.

Remember, the more we can stay in that Relaxed Expansion state, the better we feel, the better the body functions, and the more we get exactly what our hearts desire.

The first habit is to do the Primelight meditation first thing in the morning.

The most benefit would be to do this even before you get out of bed.

The reason this is so powerful is when you first wake and as you fall asleep, you have the most connection to the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind can be programmed during these times.

It will take any input and then it will work on creating that input into waking reality.

You get what you program into it.

Primelight (or any meditation/prayer) first thing in the day can be a great tool to help program the subconscious mind during that time.

Doing this practice will put you into the Relaxed Expansion state (parasympathetic) and create momentum for you to move into the day in that state.

If you haven't tried Primelight, here is the link to the Primelight page on Comal Springs Acupuncture website.

Start with the 20 minute guided version.

You can download it as an mp3 file.

All you have to do is lay completely still and listen to it for 20 minutes.

And you're done.

Go on with your day.

The second habit, you should do right before you doze off to sleep.

In a journal or a notebook, just right down 5 emotions or feelings you want to feel.

That's it.

Then go to sleep.

The magic is in doing it consistently over time.

I highly recommend you implement them daily along with all the basic foundational habits.

Give it a try.

Do it for a month and see what happens.