Several years ago, I learned that when patients come in I should always ask about what they want to achieve by getting treatment.
Usually, the conversation would start with... "I know you want to get rid of xyz as close to 100% as possible, but what would you be able to do that xyz is stopping you from doing now?"
We called this the "Life Effect".
What does the patient actually want to experience instead of the symptom they are experiencing.
My thoughts have shifted recently on this.
I think the Life Effect is still important and I still focus on it.
But, I think we can take it one step further...
Yes, we all want to achieve our Life Effect.
That state where we are experiencing life exactly how we want it to be...
We are doing what we want...
When we do what we want, we feel a certain way.
So really, it is that feeling that we are going for ultimately.
Maybe it is joy or happiness.
Maybe it is peace or contentment.
But ultimately, we want to feel a certain way.
And here is what I realized.
We can just jump the line and go straight for that feeling no matter where we are.
I know, it sounds too simple.
It is that simple, but not always easy to do.
This is why the Primelight meditation, journaling, and the feeling state exercise are so powerful.
We get to practice those feeling states that we desire before there is physical evidence to support those states.
We can just go straight to our ultimate desire and live from there.
What I've noticed is that if I do that, then the physical is quick to match up with how I feel.
Maybe the symptoms don't exactly change, but I can always interpret and give meaning in a way that supports how I want to feel.
Just something to think about, if you are interested in jumping the line...