Remedy the Dampness: Part 2

Did you try any of the suggestions for clearing dampness that I included in the last post?

I'd love to hear how it went for you. Drop me a line and let me know 

In the meantime, I have a few more lifestyle modification ideas that you can implement to eliminate dampness and restore health. 

Avoid all processed food.

This includes refined sugar, processed flours, and seed oils. I know this is a biggy for a lot of us and can be a hard one to stick by. Remember I am not advocating for perfection, only improvement. 

My current favorite informational site on food is this one by Dr. Ted Naiman. I also love this highly useful tool called the Protein to Energy Ratio Calculator.

(This information and strategy is not specifically Traditional Chinese Medicine, but in my experience it is a good starting place to begin shifting dietary habits).

Get first morning sunlight, every day.

Science is beginning to realize the power of sunlight in regulating all metabolic functions in the body. Here is a good Ted X talk on this by Satchin Panda.

Ideally you should get 15 to 30 minutes of sun exposure every morning. This helps to reset the circadian rhythm, it helps to regulate hormone production, and it feels really good. Don't stare into the sun, but just be outside and watch the sun come up every day.

Don't wear sunglasses or contacts, but let the light into your eyes naturally. It is even better if you can do this barefoot on the ground. Even if the sky is grey and overcast, you will still get the light signals anyway, so don't skip days.


Sleep is critical for the body to repair and rebuild. Try to be in bed and asleep before 10 pm. If sleep is something that you struggle with, come talk to me. I can treat insomnia. 

In conjunction with sleep, you must avoid blue light (especially after sunset). Blue light exposure signals the body that it is still noon. That misinformation then dis-regulates all hormonal and metabolic function. 

Here is a quick intro video on blue light at night and sleep.

My final recommendation for now is not free, but I highly recommend the book Enlighten Weight by Andrew Miles and Xuelan Qiu. This is the best "owner's mannual" that I have come across. 
It is easy to read and understand. You will come away with a greater ability to think about what you need to do to help balance the body through diet and exercise.

So what to expect as the dampness begins to clear?

  • You should notice an increase in energy.

  • Brain fog will decrease and focus and motivation will return.

  • You might lose some weight.

  • Your digestion will improve.

  • You will be more relaxed and sleep better.

This a a lot of information to take in.

The best way to begin is to pick one thing.
Set a habit goal that is so easy you can't fail.
Then every day you build on your success.