Simple Signs of Dampness
You've heard me talk about dampness. And you will likely keep hearing me talk about it. That is because dampness is one of the most common issues that Americans face.
So what does dampness look like? How can you tell if you've got it?
I'm going to share with you a few key signs that are easy to see that will indicate dampness in the body.
But first let's put this in context.
Dampness is the main cause of most of our chronic internal medicine and chronic pain conditions. This is why I will keep bring it up. Dampness is the root of what is reeking havoc on our health. It is so pervasive, I could almost change the name of my clinic to the "Clear Dampness Clinic."
Dampness is directly caused by our modern diet. Most of us consume the "Standard American Diet (SAD)" that, even in it's healthiest form, often includes an abundance of refined carbohydrates, sugar, and seed oils.
Pair this "SAD" diet with low daily physical activity.
This combo creates a perfect storm where the body's ability to process these foods becomes overwhelmed.
Damp accumulation is the result.
Here are some symptoms to look out for:
Waist to Height ratio greater than .5
Swelling or Edema
Dull Ache or Pain
Brain Fog
Oily Skin
Dark Circles under the Eyes
No desire to drink Water
Also look at your tongue. If you see these signs it is part of a dampness pattern.
teeth marks on the sides
central crack
thick or thin coating
white or yellow coating
visible moisture
(For comparison, a healthy tongue is medium pink, not to fat or thin, and no coat or very slight coat.)
If you suspect dampness in your body, have no fear! There is hope. I have lots of tools and tricks to Conquer the Dampness.
Next up - I'll share some simple things you can do to help overcome the dampness in your body.